Pershing County News


New alfalfa variety could be big boost to dairy industry

LOVELOCK - I came across this article out of Cornell University that may be of interest for local alfalfa producers. The article was written by Krisy Gashler, a freelance writer for Cornell University and the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. However, it has only been tested in the Northeast, so I am not sure how adaptable it would be here in a semi-arid region. I would assume that with our low disease pressure, it should do fine.

PCHS students named to third quarter honor roll

LOVELOCK - The following Pershing County High School students were recently named to the third quarter honor roll:

Library starts new program 'Family Game Night' encourages bonding

LOVELOCK - The Pershing County Library is embarking on a new program that officials are hoping will be well attended.

Grant awarded to Safe Haven Rescue Zoo

IMLAY - Lynda Sugasa, executive director of Safe Haven Rescue Zoo, announced that the wildlife sanctuary has received a $15,000 grant from Barrick Turquoise Ridge.

Volunteer Day at Safe Haven a success Battle Mountain students visit facility for field trip

IMLAY - On April 1, volunteers came out to Safe Haven Rescue Zoo to help start the construction of a new 10,000-square-foot enclosure.

Bethel Baptist celebrates one-year anniversary Pastor reflects on last 12 months

LOVELOCK - Bethel Baptist Pastor Scott Davis and his wife Andrea have pastored the Lovelock church for a full year as of April 10. The couple says, "We're here to stay."

Easter egg scramble done in minutes Lovelock Eagles continue 30-year tradition

LOVELOCK - On cue, 6,120 hard-boiled and dyed Easter eggs were snatched from grassy fields outside Lovelock on Sunday.

Corn workshop offered

LOVELOCK - Many of you may have heard that Dairy Farmers of America (a dairy producers coop) is in the process of building a dairy processing plant in Fallon. The proposed milk plant will dehydrate milk into powdered milk for exportation to foreign markets. The good news is that the plant will require an increase in the number of pounds of milk produced in the local area. This means that the number of cows will need to double in order to meet the demand of the processing facility.

Imlay Auxiliary host Easter Egg hunt

IMLAY - The Imlay Auxiliary hosted its second-annual Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, April 7, at the Imlay baseball field. Over 50 prizes were donated from local businesses to promote the joy of the season for the little ones.

Lovelock TATU team writes, performs play Story highlights dangers of tobacco use

LOVELOCK - Lovelock's TATU (Teens Against Tobacco Use) team performed a play depicting the dangers of tobacco use in front of 22 Lovelock Frontier Community Coalition (FCC) members and associates at the Lovelock FCC's regular monthly meeting March 19. The group also performed the play at Pershing County Middle School on March 29.

Weed It Out 419 campaign coming

LOVELOCK - In November 2010 northern Nevada youth created the Weed It Out 419 campaign as a counterattack to the 420 campaign established in the 1970s. The 420 campaign encourages users to light up at 4:20 on April 20 to promote the legalization of marijuana.

4-H members present demonstration boards Livestock show and sale to be held May 13

LOVELOCK - During the March meeting, the 4-H members presented their demonstration boards. Some of the different topics were: the effects that sunburn can have on a pig, different breeds of cattle and pigs, what to feed your pig, parts of a goat and finally a different way to weigh a pig.

Soil test, don't guess

LOVELOCK - Lately, I have been receiving many calls and questions about preparing gardens and landscapes for the upcoming growing season. Many of these questions pertain to soil preparation and soil amendments. Let me answer these questions with a question, "How many of you are willing to spend a lot of money on something you may not need?" Because, if you do not know what is in your soils, how will you know what to add to them to make them better? That is why if you have not tested your soil in the last three years, you should do that before wasting your time or money. This is also true for farmers, who have the risk of making or losing significantly more money by not soil testing.

Veterans Service Officer to visit Pershing County

RENO - The Nevada Office of Veterans Services Mobile Outreach Vehicle will visit Pershing County next week as part of its continuing effort to reach out to veterans in rural areas of the state.

Pershing County High School Alumni Association meeting to be held April

LOVELOCK - The next meeting of the Pershing County High School Alumni Association is Wednesday, April 25, at 5:15 p.m. at the City Hall office.