Douglas fire district, NV Energy part ways on disaster response

The fire agency that serves 96 percent of Douglas County says it will no longer collaborate with NV Energy to provide specialized services for the utility in preparation for or during natural disasters. 

The East Fork Fire Protection District has worked with NV Energy for the past three years under its Natural Disaster Protection Plan to provide services such as use of fire stations during planned outages, as well as being on standby during red flag warnings and when the utility re-energized after outages.

The district is withdrawing its contract after the utility announced it is undertaking a pilot program to “streamline services and efficiencies” that resulted in the district being underbid by other entities. 

Tahoe-Douglas Fire Protection District and a third-party contractor will provide the services.

Its withdrawal won’t affect fire suppression services.

NV Energy has identified much of Douglas County as being in “extreme” or “elevated” fire zones.