The location of a proposed personal and RV storage project off Airport Road, the third storage project heard by the Planning Commission in as many months.
You know you’re getting old when 7 pm rolls around and you’re sure you should have been in bed thirty minutes ago. When you carefully read the label on your horse’s joint supplement and ask yourself, could this help me? When you spend five minutes collecting the tools you’ll need to thread a needle. When opening a jar works up a sweat. When your daughter tells you that you never told her about an appointment and you sheepishly realize that you told the cat, not her. When opening a gate not only requires both hands, but glasses and sometimes a helper. When you talk to a new black and white kitty on back porch only to realize that it was a skunk (really happened), glad I didn’t try to pet her. When your daughter sweetly pats you on the head and tells you “it’s okay, I know you’re doing your best”. And when I actually go out and exercise, few people if any (except perhaps Andrew Hillyer) make comments about the noises I make, a welcome departure from just a few years ago.
I know, all gloom and doom…but it’s not so bad. I still have my own teeth, my vision (with glasses) is good, my hearing aids keep me broadly involved in most conversations, and I get a senior discount almost anywhere I go. I think my mind remains as intact as it ever was (can’t wish for miracles), and I’m still active, engaged in interesting and meaningful work, have wonderful friends and family, and most everyone is a little more respectful of an old gal with opinions and a sometimes sharp tongue than that lady who occupied my body at 45. And on the subject of opinions, apparently in some circles, I’m becoming wise as opposed to just a wise-a-s.
Anyway friends, there is always a silver lining if only you look for it.
Kris Stewart is a rancher in Paradise Valley, Nevada.