Letters to the Editor

Lithium’s temporary housing

The lithium mine is coming to Humboldt County, no question. 

The temporary housing units will be the death of Humboldt County as we know it. 

The "Skilled Trade Union" contracted for housekeeping is of course the Service Employees International Union. 90% minority and 100% Liberal Democrat.

Those people will be living here and voting here. SEIU is a powerhouse in Las Vegas politics. Remember when Sharon Angle was running against Harry Reid for senate? Reid was behind by ten points. 

His campaign mobilized SEIU and he won by ten points.

And "De-Construct" the housing after the mine is completed? 

Look at New York City. Over run with refugees. New York City is solid Democrat but rural New York State is more conservative. 

So New York City is disbursing refugees into the countryside, so those outback Rednecks can share the burden. 

With a stroke of the pen, Joe Biden could disburse refugees into our unused "temporary" housing. Let those people out on the Frontier share the burden.

The Lithium mine is the "Camel's Nose Under The Tent" to turning Rural Nevada into a bright Blue WOKE state.

Butch Gordo 
