LaRena's Race slated for Aug. 5

It has been 20 years since the first LaRena Smith Bengoa Run, Ride or Walk for the Cure.  

The event has moved locations, added activities and survived Covid.  It has never lost sight of the mission to help those battling cancer and taking treatments away from home, with monetary assistance and aid.  

The organization has operated solely on volunteer help from those who have experienced cancer firsthand or supported someone in their battle.  All donation money has been passed on to worthy applicants. 

The group has assisted 455 Humboldt and Lander County warriors, paying out $455,5000 patients for travel, motels, meals and discretionary spending.

The LaRena’s Race team has chosen a date for the event’s return to mid-summer, Saturday, August 5, 2023.  

The event will provide participants with the expected 1-, 3-, or 5-mile race, but will add some unexpected prizes and entertainment.  

We are hoping the change in date will provide more stable weather and less conflict with other events.

Please join us for a meaningful event which will remember and honor those we have lost and encourage those who are in the middle of their battle.

We are extending a special invitation to those who are in remission to present real hope that there is life after cancer for more and more people. 

But in the meantime, there is much to do.   LaRena’s Race team is all about encouraging preventive measures, increasing knowledge about treatment options, and simply stepping up to help.  

There are very few things that are scarier than a diagnosis of Cancer. 

Look forward to our press teasers providing information about our traditional event taking place on a new date:  Saturday, Aug. 5, 2023.