Letter to the Editor: Time to rethink crime and punishment

Letter to the Editor: Time to rethink crime and punishment

Letter to the Editor: Time to rethink crime and punishment


I felt compelled to respond to the “For The Record” section of the Humboldt Sun dated 02 February 2022. Right at the beginning of the section, Robert Allen Murray booked for assault on a law enforcement officer with a firearm--$40,000 bail. Preposterous. Also booked on 2 felony warrants—bail $165,000. Why did this man have any bail at all? Lock him up—Judges/Justices have an obligation to protect the public.

I understand that State Law has bail guidelines, but I also believe judges/justices have the discretion to determine what bail, if any, serves the communities interests.

Also, resisting arrest in one case, where the arresting officer could be injured or worse. DUI in another case-Drunks on the road can kill or injure. Traffic arrests may be considered minor, but if, for example, you were to drive from Highway 290 to Winnemucca and back on a regular basis you would be amazed that more carnage doesn’t occur. Same in town-

I read this section with every issue and note that plea bargains, reduced charges, dropped charges, bail that a 10-year-old could pay. The District Attorney also has an obligation/duty to protect the public. Humboldt County, in my opinion, has a reputation of being too lenient on crime. Do we avoid jury trials because it costs too much? Or DA doesn’t want to tie up his attorneys in trials.?

I believe that Humboldt County and the City of Winnemucca need to rethink crime and punishment. We need a reputation for being a very tough/no quarter community. Start with the District Attorney rethinking the departments approach to crime and prosecution. We could set an example for the rest of the State.

As is the case across the United States-enough is enough

Richard Robie
