Nevada US-95 I-80 Futures conference Oct. 28

Nevada US-95 I-80 Futures conference Oct. 28

Nevada US-95 I-80 Futures conference Oct. 28

The Nevada US-95 I-80 Futures (formerly Winnemucca Futures) conference will be held in person on October 28, 2021 from 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in Winnemucca at the Boys & Girls Club, highlighting regional economic development and governmental projects throughout Humboldt and Pershing counties. 

The theme for this year’s event is supply chain and business networking opportunities, with an entire hour allotted for networking split between the beginning and end of the half day event.

The event will feature representatives from large and small regional companies and municipalities, with returning keynote speakers for Lithium of Nevada and West Coast Salmon of Nevada. 

Winnemucca Farms General Manager Eric Hull will be sharing information about regenerative farming without chemical control in Humboldt County. 

A mining company new to the area, i-80 gold will be presenting its recently acquired projects and future plans in the area, as well as ongoing updates by Nevada Gold Mines, Marigold, Hycroft and Cyanco (tentative). 

Humboldt County will receive local government updates from County Administrator Dave Mendiola and Economic Development Officer Jan Morrison will provide a community update regarding housing, workforce and education. 

Developer Narinder Mal will be presenting the recent economic development projects underway in McDermitt, including a new Subway, roadway improvements, etc. 

Pershing County speakers will feature information about a new whiskey distillery in the area, mining and workforce, builders alliance, housing and local government. 

Winnemucca Futures has been held for several years, with the exception of 2020 due to pandemic restrictions. 

The event was changed to represent both Humboldt and Pershing county following the formation of the Nevada 95-80 Regional Development Authority and approved by the state Governor’s Office of Economic Development earlier this year. 

The full program will be available in the October 20 edition of the Humboldt Sun and Lovelock Review Miner. 

Registration for the futures event is free but limited in space and can be completed online at