Letter to the Editor: Mandating vaccines does not violate Nuremberg Code

In fact, the code has nothing at all to do with the Covid-19 vaccines. 

To begin with, each of the vaccines was given emergency approval AFTER the “experimentation” part was completed. 

Those tests were all conducted using people that volunteered for them and that data was used to demonstrate that the vaccines were both SAFE and EFFECTIVE per the NIH, the CDC, and the FDA. 

Since that time, and long before the disinformation “Guest Commentary” was published last week, one of the three vaccines has been given full approval by the FDA and the CDC and the other two have submitted for full approval 

The writer states that “We need robust debate, bringing experts from many backgrounds.” Well, I agree, except that already happened. What other experts does she want? 

Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram medical degrees aside, thousands of experts in the medical field have studied this, produced these vaccines, and saved millions of lives. 

A simple Google of Covid Vaccines Nuremburg will result in tons of solid fact-based information. 

A simple Google of CDC Covid Vaccines will get you tons of valid information demonstrating that the vaccines are safe, they are effective, and they save lives. 

It’s important to know the facts. Social mis-media does not have them. The CDC, the FDA, the NIH does in fact, have the facts. Bother to check them yourselves.

My wife was fully vaccinated. She is extremely immune-compromised. Despite the precautions she took, others refuse to wear masks and get vaccinated.

She was in the hospital for a month and a half because she got Covid anyway. 

Lets end the deliberate disinformation campaign.

Tim Hahn
