Lowry hires new girls golf coach

Lowry hires new girls golf coach

Lowry hires new girls golf coach

Lowry High School has announced Savannah Talbott as the new girls Golf coach. Talbott will replace former coach Todd Milton for the upcoming fall golf season.

Talbott made herself known to the golf world in Butte, Montana, where at the age of 13 she used her driver to sink a 135 yard hole-in-one.

Talbott had a successful high school athletic career in Butte, qualifying for the state class AA golf tournament all four years. Her senior year she achieved all-state honors in golf.

Talbott received a full-ride golf scholarship to Montana Tech. She graduated from Montana Tech. with a dual Bachelor of Science degree in Business Technology and Medical Assisting (EMT).

Three years ago, Talbott moved to Winnemucca and opened Full Focus CrossFit. She has completed her CrossFit Level 1 and Level 2 certification, as well as USA Weightlifting and CrossFit Kids certification. Talbott chose Winnemucca because she has family that lives here already, and she fell in love with the town.

“Winnemucca is such a great community, I love it here. I wanted to do more with the kids and the high school to continue to build the community here,” Talbott said. “I plan to do a summer program or camp in mid-July, to hopefully get some interest from new golfers and the freshmen coming in.”

High school girls golf starts in the fall in Nevada. Any high school aged girl interested in joining the team is encouraged to contact Coach Talbott or Lowry High School at 623-8130.

At the beginning of last August, it was not known if the Lowry High School girls golf team was going to have a full squad to compete for a berth in the state tournament.

As school started in late August, the Lady Bucks found the players it needed and finished third in the Northern 3A with just five players. Lowry finished its season last week at the NIAA 3A State Championships at Mountain Falls Golf Club in Pahrump with a fifth-place outing.

“If you can catch them young, you can build them up all the way through their senior year.” Talbott added, “I'm excited to be the girls golf coach at Lowry. I took this position because I have a passion for coaching and getting involved with the youth here. I plan to be a good role model and a good example for the kids.”