Only One You….Sonoma Heights!

Only One You….Sonoma Heights!

Only One You….Sonoma Heights!

Sonoma Height’s Elementary School Counselor, Jo Martinez says that during the first semester of school the focus was on kindness, diversity, and tolerance. In September Rachel’s Challenge came and presented at Sonoma and our students jumped at the chance to meet her challenge and demonstrate kindness throughout the school.  All of the students signed a banner that hangs in our hallway and says “I Accept Rachel’s Challenge”.  During the lesson on diversity she asked the students to imagine that everyone looked like her!  They all agreed that they would rather look like themselves. They read and discussed the book Only One You by Linda Kranz about a family of colorful rock fish.  After the book all the students painted their own rock fish. The rocks turned out as colorful and diverse as we all are. All of the rocks are placed in the courtyard to remind staff and students that being different is great!  How boring would it be if we were all the same?!