Theft charge earns prison sentence

Theft charge earns prison sentence

Theft charge earns prison sentence

Richard Skyler Common admitted to stealing a wallet and backpack from the locker of a local casino employee and then tearing apart the backpack and burning the wallet, in addition to stealing items. After negotiations with the Humboldt County DA’s Office, Common pleaded guilty to a reduced charge of attempted grand larceny. 

Common’s public defender said his client’s problems were all associated with substance abuse and unemployment. He said Common wanted to be admitted to the Humboldt County Drug Court program. 

Common completed 18 months of drug court successfully once before. He told Judge Michael Montero that he wanted to do drug court again and get back on track.

The casino employee testified about the impact of Common’s theft and destruction of items of her property. She had to take time off work to go to Reno for a new social security card, had to replace her driver’s license and prescriptions. She had to get new eyeglasses and she spoke of one keepsake that was irreplaceable. 

“I don’t understand why you would do such a thing,” she said.

“I plan to pay you back in full,” Common said to his victim. “I wasn’t targeting you, I was on drug-induced madness, I feel really bad.”

“I wish you well,” Common’s victim told him. “I would give up every dollar if you could stay clean.”

However, the judge was not as understanding. Montero explained his decision to deny drug court. “You had the opportunity to participate in drug court previously,” he told the defendant. “The trouble I have with this case is the type of crimes that bring you into court. It’s not being in possession of under the influence and only harming yourself. This is a situation where you brought harm to someone else.” 

The judge noted that Common’s criminal history included battery, burglary, injury to property and theft. 

Montero sentenced Common to 2-36 months in prison, with 49 days credit for time served. He required Common to sign a civil confession of judgment for the $1,038.16 in restitution that he ordered. He will also be required to pay court fees including $153 for DNA collection and analysis, $25 administrative assessment and $250 public defender fee.