David John Kern was born on June 14, 1946 to William and Valeska Kern in Salt Lake City, Utah.
He was the youngest of 5 siblings, Ruth, Eleanor, Norma and Harold. Ruth lived in New York with her husband Joseph Reiter, at the time of his birth.
Dave was raised in SLC with his parents and attended school there.
He moved to Paradise Valley, Nevada in 1970 and resided there until a life ending illness.
He passed away in Las Vegas, August 25, 2022 shortly after being discharged from a rehab facility in Henderson.
Dave was a member of the Paradise Valley Volunteer Fire Department for 52 years and was made as an honorary Fireman in July of 2022. He loved the PVVF and was proud to help with the annual Father’s Day Barbecue.
He loved the park that the Firemen built and maintained since 1980.
After working at several Valley ranches, Dave went to work for the USDA - Forest Service and retired from there after 35 years.
He maintained the Lye Creek campground and also served as a wildland fire fighter, working his way up into fire management. He went on fires all over the US, including Alaska, California, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, Texas, Alabama, Florida, Montana and Nevada.
He also worked for 3 weeks in Puerto Rico on hurricane relief.
He was preceded in death by his parents and all his siblings.
He is survived by his son, David Edward Kern, daughter-in-law Katie and granddaughter Tyann.
They were the loves of his life. He is also survived by Kevin Moss-Kern, her sister Leslie and numerous nieces and nephews.