meanwhile back at the Ranch

When the Cure Could Kill Ya!

I’m sure everyone has heard the old adage, “I have such n such, and it is survivable, but I’m afraid the cure may kill me.” I’m not quite at that point but I’ve been struggling with a medical condition since last fall that my doctors have assured me, should not kill me. They also aren’t quite sure what is causing it, but since ruling out deadly diseases, are just focusing on a treatment plan. 

That plan sees them testing my blood every couple months and adjusting dosages if not the basics of the routine. 

The bottom line is that my numbers are in fact improving, but the regimen causes me severe nausea and associated weight loss because nothing tastes good or wants to stay down.

Now let’s be clear, for most of my life I’ve been a chunky monkey who loves the cook and eat. Since last October, that has changed. 

I have no appetite and even when I’m not seriously nauseous, I simply no longer have any interest in food. 

I have plenty of friends who have asked what my secret is, and said they’d love to have my problem while losing 30-40 lbs. 

There was a time not too long ago when I would have concurred; but today, I just want to get to the bottom of my problem before I lose more weight than is healthy on my old 5’7” frame. 

I figure that I’m 15 lbs from that number. After that, I’ll need to try a different approach. I belong to an HMO healthcare plan because that’s what I can afford under Obamacare; but, I still pay privately for the good advice of Dr Li in Winnemucca. 

I figure that his $80 office visits are a tiny price to pay for good advice and truly quality care. 

So as my treatment plan for iron deficient anemia wreaks havoc on my tummy and whittles my once tubby frame down to a truly girlish figure, I’ll keep checking in with Dr Li, absorbing the benefits of his vast knowledge and common sense, then try to impart that knowledge back to my HMO primary care provider, who will hopefully listen and act on his good advice. So far, so good. 

And in the meantime, if you happen to see this incredible shrinking woman at the market etc., just relax and know that I’m okay, and that I am in good hands. 

Kris Stewart is a Rancher in Paradise Valley, Nevada.