Pershing County baseball closes season with series win against Silver Stage

Pershing County sophomore Ayden Montes pitches against Silver Stage on Saturday in Lovelock.

Pershing County sophomore Ayden Montes pitches against Silver Stage on Saturday in Lovelock.

On Saturday, the Pershing County High School baseball closed out its season at home with back-to-back wins against Silver Stage. 

The Mustangs traveled to Silver Springs earlier in the week and lost 13-7 to the Nighthawks.

But the Mustangs were hungry to win on senior day in Lovelock. 

They upset the Nighthawks by one run (6-5) in the opener. The Mustangs won the last game of the series by six runs (11-5).

The Pershing County High School baseball team closed out its season with back-to-back wins on senior day.

They end the year at 10-17 overall and 7-17 in the Northern 2A.

“We struggled Tuesday and bounced back to win the series. Great pitching from Trenton Rhodes and Ayden Montes. Ayden also hit the first Pershing County home run since 2020,” said coach Jared Jensen. 

The timing was critical, as Silver Stage jumped out with five runs in the opener.

But Montes’ home run sent a clear signal about the Mustang’s resolve to win both senior day games.

The bottom of the first inning started with Montes hitting a solo home run to the left center field. The other players rushed from the dugout to celebrate the moment as a team. They added two more runs in the first inning and three in the second. Meanwhile they held the Nighthawks flat.

Montes, Aaron Kienbaum, and Rhodes went 2-for-3 at the plate. Kienbaum and Montes pitched with Montes recording the win.

The Mustangs rode the wave into the closing game of the series. Eddie Herrera went 2-for-2 at the plate. Rhodes, Wyatt Hughes, Montes and Conner Fecht tore up the bases.

Rhodes struck out nine, walked one, and allowed five hits and five runs.

Dylan Bloyed, Brian Smokey, Jake Montes, Tony Nelson and Russell Fecht helped Jensen coach the 2023-24 Mustangs.

“We thank and congratulate Conner and Aaron on great careers and look forward to watching them grow into adulthood,” said Jensen.

The team gets stronger every year and handles whatever adversity comes their way. 

This was Mustang’s first back-to-back 10+ win season in eight years. 

It’s no exaggeration to say they closed their year in a blaze of glory.