Rule changes coming to high school wrestling for 2024-25

The National Federation of High Schools announced that its board of directors has approved several prominent rule changes, including the addition of a three-point takedown, a four-point near-fall and an amendment to the out-of-bounds rule. 

The three-point takedown is only on the first takedown.

Beginning next season, wrestlers will be considered in bounds if either wrestler has one point of contact inside the boundary line. 

“Without increasing risk, this change eliminates the subjectivity of the out-of-bounds call,” said Elliot Hopkins, NFHS director of sports and student services and liaison to the Wrestling Rules Committee, in a story outlining the rule changes. “The change also helps officials to call ‘out of bounds’ more consistently, and it provides wrestlers, coaches and spectators a better understanding of out of bounds.”

The move to a three-point takedown comes a year after the NCAA increased the value of a takedown from two points to three. 

Beginning next season, the near-fall point structure will also mirror the college rule set with two points for two-count, three points for three swipes and four points for four.