Ladies Golf Results —

Ladies Golf Results —

The results for the Monday Nine Hole tournament are as follows: First flight first low gross winner was Lisa Carlson with a score of 49.

First flight first low net winner was Debbie Connors with a score of 34.

Second flight first low gross winner was Alexis Weber with a score of 59.

Second flight first low net winner was Anne Sample with a score of 41.

The Tuesday tournament was Pro’s Posse. The results of the tournament are as follows: 

First flight first low net winner was Laurie Pickett with a score of 75.

First flight second low net winner was Adua Boyle with a score of 77. First flight third low net winner was Lisa Carlson with a score of 78.

Second flight first low net winner was Anne Sample with a score of 55. 

Second flight second low net winner was Pam Hope with a score of 77. Second flight third low net winner was Eleanor Taylor with a score of 81.

Laurie Pickett had the fewest putts with 29 and was closest to Hole 2 with a distance of 17’6”. 

Lisa Carlson was closest to Hole 5 with a distance of 6’2”. Adua Boyle and Eleanor Taylor both had chip-ins. 

Congratulations to all of the winners.