McDermitt Combined School graduates eight seniors

The McDermitt graduates turn their tassels as part of the ceremony.

The McDermitt graduates turn their tassels as part of the ceremony.

For one of the final times, the group of eight graduates at McDermitt Combined School gathered for one of the most important days of their lives.

In front of large crowd of family and friends, McDermitt Combined held its graduation ceremony on Wednesday, June 5. Even though there were eight students on the stage, a ninth was also honored. Quinn McKee was part of the class but tragically died in 2022.

“As I was thinking of what to say tonight, I saw our valedictorian Lizbeth Villalobos in the hallway earlier in the day when the class was decorating,” said principal Robert Lindsey. “She was wearing a T-shirt that said “Well that didn’t go as planned, my life story. I couldn’t think of how true that expression is. Fortunately, graduation is in your plan. That is now a part of your life story.”

He told the graduates that they continue to write the chapters in their books and some are up to chapter, 17, 18 or 19. Lindsey added to have them keep writing and noted there will be stumbles and mistakes and that they would learn from those stumbles and miscues. 

“Some chapters will be better than others, some will be worse, Lindsey said. “Some things go as planned and sometimes they do not. It has truly an honor to be your principal for the last year and a half. I learned a lot from you, I learned what a great school and community McDermitt is. If there is one gift I can give you, it is the gift of confidence. When times get tough, remember that each day will end and a new day will begin. The bigger your fear the more you must address it. Press on, one foot in front of the other.”

Kess Hinkey was honored as the 2024 salutatorian and kicked off his speech by thanking all his teachers and supporters that got him through school. 

“Sitting up here I am happy for each and everyone of you guys,” Hinkey told the graduates. “Don’t let nobody put you guys down. You guys are good people and are going to go far. I am proud to call you, my classmates.”

Villalobos opener her valedictorian speech by thanking the teachers and staff for their guidance through their time at McDermitt. 

“To my fellow graduates there has been highs and lows,” Villalobos said. “I would like to think back o the good times we had, we would mess around, laugh and make our teachers laugh.”

Valinda Hinkey, one of the senior class advisors was chosen to be the guest keynote speaker.

“When I was first asked to speak, I declined.” Hinkey said. “I made that the excuse that I had too much to do tonight. “In all honesty I was and I was thinking was I going to be able to get through this. This is a very strong group of young men and women and they hold a very special place in my heart.”

Hinkey told her students they may see some tears tonight but those are tears of joy. She added behind them are all their memories and before them all their dreams and to take pride in how far they have come and have faith in how far they can go.

“You have to chose wisely who you want to keep in your life and those that you have to let go,” Hinkey added. “Remember birds of a feather fly together.  A word of advice, before you seek to be the best of the best or the greatest in the world, remember being your best self is already enough and that’s what is important.”  

She continued by telling the graduates that they don’t have to compete with anybody else but themselves. Hinkey told the graduates the only limitations they will have are the ones they put on themselves.

“Once you chose to believe you can, regardless of the situation, you become unstoppable,” Hinkey said. “This should serve us as a reminder that it’s not about what happens to us but we what we do and how we react to what happens.”