Amherst Park in Lovelock receives monetary infusion for improvements

T-Mobile came to Temptations Restaurant in Lovelock to award a $50,000 grant to Lovelock for the renovation of Amherst Park. They partnered with Smart Growth America and Main Street America to select the recipients of the Hometown Grant. Lovelock’s application stood out among many.

“The support from the community stood out as well as the town’s strong, shovel-ready plan to complete a project with such high community impact,” said spokesperson Jenny Elias.

The funds will be used to create a fitness court with new equipment. It will provide the community with a dedicated outdoor space to promote physical wellness.

Mayor Mike Giles and Heidi Lusby accepted the grant money.

“This is a part of T-Mobile’s plan to invest 25 in 500 rural towns to jumpstart projects and build stronger communities,” said Elias.