Battle Mountain High School honors Class of 2024

BATTLE MOUNTAIN — A year ago, Mother Nature provided tears from the sky, as the skies opened up during the Battle Mountain High School graduation. This year, she provided a gorgeous sunset background, as the Class of 24 met one last time on Thursday, May, 30, at Tim Knight Field.

“Well graduates, I am so glad you guys made it to this but none of our homecoming clean ups,” joked senior class president Jenna Chopp. “On a serious note, we did it. As a group, we started at the very bottom, as a group we walked into kindergarten not knowing a single person and scared out of our minds. To now as a group, getting our names called and walking across the stage to get our diplomas.”

The Battle Mountain High School graduates toss their caps in the air.

Chopp told the graduates and the large crowd in attendance that they are still scared but not for the same reasons. They will soon have to relive that first day but not with each other.

“It’s crazy to be saying that but don’t let it damper the mood,” Chopp added. “Just think of the amazing journey we have had. We have spent every breathing moment together and fought through battles together. We came in during a global pandemic that kept us away. Finally coming back together for our first assembly out sophomore year, instead of chanting sophomores, sophomores, we said freshmen, freshmen.”  

Pena Martinez collects his diploma.

She concluded by saying that everything that has happened had shaped them into better people and things happen that we can’t control. She told them everything will be okay and to strive for better and keep striving for greatness.

The guest speaker on the night was Heather Lacovara, the senior class advisor at Battle Mountain High School.

“Thank you, Class of 2024, for the memories, lessons and good times we had throughout our time together,” Lacovara said. “Reflecting on our years together, I realized how valuable and memorable our time together was. “I will forever cherish that time. You were my first class as a teacher. I may have been your teacher but certain I learned just as much from each and every one you than you learned from me.”

Alyssa Laughon is given her valedictorian medal by her parents.

She told the graduates that they taught her how to be patient and jokingly said she needed a lot of that from the class.

“You taught me how to embrace the crazy and be resilient through it all,” Lacovara added. You taught me to laugh and have fun because that is when the best memories and best learning happens. Your class helped shape me into the teacher that I am today.  Thank you for letting me be a part of your lives and thank you for being a part of mine.”      

The 2024 Battle Mountain valedictorian was Alyssa Laughon.

“I stand before you as your valedictorian and although I feel incredibly honored, I want to start by saying something very important that all of you need to remember,” Laughon said. “I am not the smartest person in this class and I know that. But what I am is incredibly hard working and proud of that. This achievement isn’t just mine but an achievement due to the support we get. If you are proud of the titles you hold or looking to change them, remember there is always time to reaffirm yourself.”  

Battle Mountain students walk during the processional.

She added that while a majority of them have been together since kindergarten, they have been fortunate to gain many new friends along the way. She told the graduates and crowd that those who joined later brought a fresh perspective and new energy and were grateful for you being a part of our family.

“We have faced tough times together, losing family and friends,” Laughon said. “In those moments of grief, we leaned on each other and learned what true friendship and community means. As we prepare to step into the next chapter of our lives, it’s okay to feel uncertain, change paths, to redefine ourselves and do what makes us happy. Our time here had prepared us for whatever comes next. I am so grateful for each and every one of you. You have made this journey unforgettable.” 

Cruzito Jimenez was named the 2024 salutatorian.

“Many people today say we started our journey — I disagree,” Jimenez told the crowd. “The journey began a long time ago and today just happens to be the day where our path we have been traveling splits into numerous roads and graduation is a mark of another extraordinary chapter in our lives.”

He added with this chapter coming to a close, everyone should be anxious to start another. He told the graduates we all have our one book that has yet to be written and that every day that passes, another is written.

“We have been given everything to write our own stories,” Jimenez said. “With the love and support of our families, friends and fellow graduates, our stories will become best sellers. I am proud of each and every one of you guys and glad to witness all you ugly ducklings turn into beautiful swans. I am blessed to have you all by my side. We did it,  Class of 2024!”