Ladies Golf Results —

Ladies Golf Results —

The Monday nine-hole tournament golfers faced some very challenging hole placements left over from the Blacksmith two-man tournament over the weekend. 

But they took on the challenge anyway. 

The low gross winner was Leslie Molina with a score of 47. The second-place low gross winner was Lisa Carlson with a score of 48. 

The first low net winner was Vicki Celio with a score of 40.5. The second low net winner was Debbie Connors with a score of 42.

The Tuesday morning 18-hole tournament was Mutt and Jeff in which golfers count their score on only the par threes and par fives. Only half of their handicaps are used. 

This tournament certainly made for an interesting day, but fortunately, the groundskeepers moved the holes to more hospitable locations. 

The first flight low gross winner was Cortney Ayers with a score of 42. The first flight low net winner was Lori Woodland with a score of 37. 

The second flight low gross winner was Bryn Echevarria with a score of 52. The second flight low net winner was Pam Hope with a score of 34.5.

Laurie Pickett and Bryn Echevarria both had fewest putts for the day with 28. 

Bryn also had a chip-in. Melissa Murphy was closest to the hole on Hole 5 with a distance of 16’3”.

Congratulations to all of the winners.