Letters to the Editor

Still confused: GOP Primary Vs. Caucus

Dear Editor,

I recently received my sample ballot. Imagine my confusion when I saw that my candidate and several other candidates were not included on the ballot. 

However, one of the choices listed was someone named Superpayaseria Crystalroc. Please google this "person" as I did. By the way, Superpayaseria translated into Spanish is "Super Clown Act". 

I went to the local County Clerk's Office here in Winnemucca to inquire if this was a joke or the real thing.

One of my choices was "None of the Above". My question was whether I should vote for that choice. I was told to not vote the ballot but to find my local precinct to caucus. 

As I understand it now my vote would not have counted if I had voted "None of the Above".. This appears to me as a way to disenfranchise those of us who may not understand the caucus procedure. 

It does not make sense to send out a ballot without all the candidates listed and to include some who have already withdrawn. 

I take my Right to vote seriously and am very confused and disappointed the way the voting process is being handled and turned into a joke. 

How can I be assured that my vote at the Caucus will count?

I am sure I am not the only concerned Voter, Thank You for your time.

Melene Ramos
