From left to right: Coaches Lance Condie, Jesse Canchola (head coach), Rich Campbell and Steve Cerini help the team plan their winning strategy against Coral Academy last Saturday at PCHS.
The Pershing County boys basketball team scored three wins this past week.
The Mustangs knocked off Silver Stage 60-17 and Coral Academy 61-22 without fanfare but tested their mettle against Oasis Academy 67-46.
Coach Jesse Canchola called the wins "an impressive display of skill and teamwork." The playoffs loom. It's a good time to peak. Canchola and the boys are determined to compete in the postseason.
Last Tuesday at PCHS, sophomore Trenton Rhodes led the scoring against Oasis with 20 points.
Travis Donaldson shoots past a Coral Academy defender on Saturday in Pershing County.
The good news is he has two more years as a Mustang. Juniors Travis Donaldson and Izayuh McGlothin also scored in the double digits, spearheading a competitive attack with 15 and 10 points respectively.
Meanwhile the Mustangs blocked the Bighorns from scoring any higher than they did.
On Friday, Pershing County dispatched Silver Stage on the road.
Senior Aaron Kienbaum led the Mustangs with 22 points. Donaldson shot 16.
On Saturday afternoon, it was Coral Academy's turn to fall to the Mustangs' new found confidence.
Rhodes and Kienbaum led with 14 points each. Michael Reitz added 10.
Marshall Happy netted seven points for Pershing County.
Conner Fecht grabs a rebound.
With the wins, they now stand at 6-10, overall, and 5-4 in the 2A, roughly fifth, behind Incline (9-0), West Wendover (8-0), Yerington (5-2) and Battle Mountain (5-3).
The Mustangs traveled to Sierra Lutheran in Reno on Jan. 16. Results were not available at press time.
It was their second match-up against SLHS. The Mustangs beat the Falcons 57-47 on Dec. 12.
The Mustangs host top contender Incline this Saturday in a contest that will push them to their limits.
Coaches Canchola, Lance Condie, Steve Cerini, Rich Campbell, Tony Nelson and Jared Brinkerhoff hope for a huge turnout.
The boys promise to leave it all on the court. The game starts at 3:30 p.m.
It's Pershing County's second match-up against the Highlanders.
Top-ranked Incline beat the Mustangs (61-34) on Dec. 15.
This time the Mustangs will pull on every ounce of community support as they battle their way to the playoffs.
"The players continue to trust the process. It's a mindset that fosters patience and resilience in the face of challenges. We've had a few this year but the program is headed in the right direction," said Canchola.