Ukraine and Marshall Dillon

Dear Editor:

From what I understand, not much of the promised $61 billion of military arms and equipment has even made it to Ukraine. 

Now, Mr. Putin is bent out of shape that some of the wrath that he has heaved upon Ukraine has boomeranged back into his back yard. No Fair!  

I see this as helpful to the United States, in that the tactics and equipment being sent over there is being battle tested so as to eliminate the faulty & expensive weapons and be helpful for Pentagon planners.

This imbroglio will probably be like Vietnam for was for us, or like Afghanistan was for Russia. 

One of the super powers of the world is currently being bled dry. 

To make this an easy metaphor, imagine in the old West, that some very successful farmer in southern Ford county, Kansas is minding his own business when the bad guy next door starts shooting at him to try to take his land.

Well, Marshall Dillon shows up but he can’t help like he’d like to, because he has problems back in Dodge that he needs to take care of first. 

All the farmer can do is throw rocks at the neighbor and has beaned him, more than a few times. 

Even with help from his North Korean relatives, the bad neighbor isn’t a very good shot and keeps missing the farmer, while the farmer keeps hitting him with rocks. Some of neighbors of the good guy farmer are handing him more rocks to throw.

Marshall Dillon, not wanting to turn his back on this poor farmer, tosses his rifle over to the farmer and a little bit of ammunition and says that he’ll try to come back later with Festus when things calm down in Dodge city. 

Will Marshall Dillon keep his promise and come back to help, or is the mean neighbor from the east going to kill the poor farmer and take his land? I’m thinking that Europe and even Taiwan is watching closely how this plays out, as they could be next.

Dale Taliaferro