Humboldt, Lander and Pershing County Legal TC0199

Legal No TC0199  NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS CONCERNED  Pursuant to NRS 408.387, notice is hereby given that Contract No. 3960, between Sierra Nevada Construction, Inc. and the State of Nevada, for construction of a portion of the Highway System on SR 787, Hanson Street, from SR 289/Winnemucca Boulevard to SR 294/Grass Valley Road, in Humboldt County, was accepted on November 20, 2024.  All creditors having claims against this contract must file their claims within thirty (30) days after acceptance of said contract. Information relative to the manner of filing claims may be obtained from the Administrative Services Officer, telephone number (775) 888-7070.  TRACY LARKIN THOMASON, P.E., DIRECTOR  Nevada Department of Transportation  Published in the Great Basin Sun  November 27, December 4, 2024  (Humboldt)