Humboldt County Legal 29605

Legal No 29605  CASE NO. PR0004992  DEPT. NO. 2  IN THE SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT OF THE STATE OF NEVADA  IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF HUMBOLDT  IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JOSE DE JESUS CHOLICO, Deceased.  NOTICE TO CREDITORS  NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that GRISELA CHOLICO has been appointed and qualified by the above-entitled Court on the 6th day of November, 2024, as Administratrix of the Estate of JOSE DE JESUS CHOLICO, deceased. All creditors having claims against said Estate are required to file the same with the proper vouchers attached, with the Clerk of the Court within ninety (90) days after the first publication of this notice. Dated this 6th day of November, 2024.  /s/ KYLE B. SWANSON Esq.  State Bar No. 3826  530 Melarkey Street, #209      Winnemucca, Nevada 89445  Phone: (775) 623-4599  Fax: (775) 623-2289  Published in the Great Basin Sun  November 13, 20, 27, 2024  (Humboldt)