PCHS cheerleaders add spark to high school games

Pershing County High School cheerleaders Eudosia Mendoza, Kaylah Hanley, Jena Pilon, Angelica Scola and Alexis Foughty.

Pershing County High School cheerleaders Eudosia Mendoza, Kaylah Hanley, Jena Pilon, Angelica Scola and Alexis Foughty.

Friday night football wouldn’t be the same without the Pershing County High School spirit squad.

They’re a tight knit group and it shows in their performance.

Cece Thorhill has coached the group for seven years. You’ll see her daughter Kaylah on the basketball court this winter and the softball field this spring. 

Kaylah and Jena Pilon graduate in June. They’ve been cheering for ten years, ever since Thornhill coached them in the youth program before she graduated to high school coaching.  

Eudosia Mendoza, Angelica Scola and Alexis Foughty are juniors and first-time cheerleaders. Scola is an exchange student from Italy. 

“They are a fun group,” says Thornhill.