Pershing County track and field team honored at awards night

Denzel Zaldivar, Ramon Sanchez, Ashton Jimenez, Josiah Hunt and Luis Sanchez stand on the auditorium stage on awards night.

Denzel Zaldivar, Ramon Sanchez, Ashton Jimenez, Josiah Hunt and Luis Sanchez stand on the auditorium stage on awards night.
Photo by Peggy Jones.

The Pershing County High School track team took center stage on awards night at PCHS. Coach Matt Fuller described them as the "kindest, most helpful group" he and Cassidie Fuller ever coached.

Ten athletes competed throughout the season, often in brutal weather. The freshmen were Ashton Jimenez, Evan Glanton, Josiah Hunt, Ramon Sanchez and Hayley Montes. 

The rest were sophomores- Angelo Gibson, Denzel Zaldivar, Izayuh McGlothin, Luis Sanchez and Yasmin Acosta. 

Matt Fuller introduced each athlete and said a few words about their events and accomplishments. He noted that Montes consistently placed in the top three in her events, competing against juniors and seniors.

He described the 800-meter race, one of Ramon Sanchez's events as "among the most difficult out there." The competitors run two laps around the track at a full sprint, the equivalent of a half mile. 

Fuller recognized Luis Sanchez for taking a leadership role and acting as the anchor or glue that held the team together. 

Sanchez kept the athletes motivated even in windy, rainy, cold weather. He reminded them of the end goal - making it to State.

Five athletes competed in the State competition in Las Vegas this spring. Hayley Montes ran the 100 meter and 300-meter hurdle races. 

Josiah Hunt ran the 200m. He was also part of the relay teams that included McGlothin, Luis Sanchez and Zaldivar. 

Coaches Cassidie and Matt Fuller recognize Denzel Zaldivar for his efforts on the PCHS track team.

According to the coaches, the 2023 team was one of the fastest they've seen. "Being that fast as a freshman or sophomore, it's going to be amazing watching them the next few years," said Fuller.