#About 100 softball players meet at McDougal Park every Monday and Thursday evening. That's a large portion of Lovelock.
#Many of them have been playing since the league started six seasons ago and it shows on the field.
#"We want for everyone to enjoy themselves and have a place to compete and have fun," says Phillip Schmith, the Lovelock Softball Association president.
#This past week saw some close games. Monday, Goyo's Garage outscored US Silica (9-7). Thursday, Goyo's Garage got the best of the Weekend Warriors (15-14). It was a comeback for Goyo's Garage since they lost their first two games.
#Thick N Wild remains undefeated (4-0). But there's no telling how the year will wind up.
#Each team will play 17 regular season games plus compete in the end-of-season tournament.
Thick N Wild's Morgan Delarosa warms up.
#Twice a week, high school kids, recent grads, parents and grandparents gather to play one of Lovelock's favorite sports. In between games they wander to the concession stand for snacks and drinks.
#"We sell popsicles, candy, corn dogs, hotdogs, hamburgers, nachos, cheese fries and hot Cheetos smothered in melted cheese," says Schmith.
#By this Friday, the players will eat their burgers in the shade.
#Plans to install covers on all three dugouts are underway. To raise funds, the LSA is holding its first-ever season-long 50/50 raffle.
#Tickets are $10. They'll draw the winner on Aug. 3.
#The winner gets half the pot. The rest will help pay for continued improvements to the park.
#To buy a ticket, visit the concession stand. You may also contact any board member including Schmith, Amanda Holland, Sean Luna, Brian Smokey, Tommy Meyers or Tiffany Rhodes.
#They're also planning a "Bombs Away for Summer Night" on Aug. 4. It will include a home run derby, cornhole tournament and games for kids.