McDermitt graduates class of two students

Humboldt County Superintendent Dave Jensen hands Elias Smart his diploma.

Humboldt County Superintendent Dave Jensen hands Elias Smart his diploma.
Tony Erquiaga

McDermitt Combined School held its graduation last week, celebrating the two seniors in the small class of 2023.

Elias Smart and valedictorian Noah Frey were honored in front of family, friends and staff, even though Frey was not able to attend the ceremony.

“Elias, I am told that you are focused on your nephew Evan,” said McDermitt Combined principal Robert Lindsey. “Your mother says he is your little shadow. Felicia says you are trying to show him the right way. This a very good, noble and wise thing that you are doing for your doing for him. It is also good for your soul and well-being to lead others. Another thing your mother said is that you love to read. She said ‘he reads all the time.’ I too have seen this. That couldn’t make me happier to hear as a principal. It has been said — a reader today, a leader tomorrow.” 

Lindsey noted he asked other students about Smart and got “He is unique.” “He is stubborn.” “He loves being outdoors.” “He is always polite and respectful.” “He has tenacity.” “He is physically and mentally strong.” “He is self-motivating and a hard worker — when he wants to be” and he loves to show off his muscles with Kess (Hinkey). 

“Tonight, is a rite of passage for you,” Lindsey said. “Essentially, it is when an individual leaves one group to enter another. You have now reached this point in your passage into adulthood. We are proud to be here with you, with your family and your friends at McDermitt Combined School and the greater community and tribe of the Ft. McDermitt Paiute Shoshone Tribe.”

The keynote speaker for the night was McDermitt Combined Ag Mechanics teacher Brian Gauthier.

McDermitt Combined principal Robert Lindsey speaks at graduation.

“I remember my Ag class and Elias wasn’t in it.” Gauthier said. “However, he showed up every day at fifth period. I tried get him to go see the guidance counselor but her already had his elective credits. He showed up every and work hard or harder than the students were assigned to the class.”     

Gauthier used the quote from Dr. Suess, “Today you are you. That is truer than true. There is no on alive that is you-er than you.”

He added that now you are out of high school there is no one to tell you what to do. He noted you don’t have to do anything, which means that you can do anything.

“Everything around us has been built by people barely different than you,” Gauthier said. “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go. So, the next time you think your dreams are too big, remember the potential that lies within you.”