Mustang athletes get a kick out of summer training program

Summer workouts can give athletes a leg up on the competition during close games. From left to right- Kaylen Halverson, Aaliyah Allen, Anna Happy, Kaydance Happy and Taylor Garland.

Summer workouts can give athletes a leg up on the competition during close games. From left to right- Kaylen Halverson, Aaliyah Allen, Anna Happy, Kaydance Happy and Taylor Garland.
Peggy Jones

Dozens of Lovelock athletes have resisted the temptation to become couch potatoes over summer break. Instead, they're lifting weights and running in the high school's workout program, scrimmaging or building their athletic skills.

"The level of participation has been exceptional," said coach Mike Brooks. "It's been a few years since it's been this busy. The numbers have been great. I have had 45 of the projected 50 football players show up at least a few times. The girls have had 15 - 20 showing up consistently."

The coaches hold the athletes accountable and keep track of their participation in the workout program. Several athletes have achieved perfect attendance - four workouts per week. 

As of June 23, 19 football players reached the milestone. They are: Marcus Allen, Travis Donaldson, Landon Fitzpatrick, Conner Fecht, Angelo Gibson, Josiah Hunt, Logan Hunt, Ashton Jimenez, Daniel Jimenez, Aaron Kienbaum, Izayuh McGlothin, Ayden Montes, Taylor Montes, Tyrn Sam, Luis Sanchez, Ramon Sanchez, Landon Smith and Aaron Zelaya.

However, the coaches realize life can get in the way, especially in the summertime. 

To meet the goal of 24 summer workouts, the kids complete three sessions per week. Many are on their way to meeting this goal.

“I’m proud of the male athlete’s effort but I’m also proud to see so many ladies coming to the workouts,” said Brooks. 

The volleyball and soccer players lift weights too. Coach Lance Condie offers a morning session. Coaches Monica Halverson, Brooks, and Faith Moreira manage the afternoon sessions. Coaches Craig Tippens, Lee Houston, Jesse Canchola and Rich Campbell are available. Sarita Condie helps the kids with footwork. 

The middle and high school soccer players meet on the football field twice a week for skill building and scrimmages. 

They get an early start, playing from 8:30 until 10 a.m. Coaches Kelly Brooks and Eva Matuszyk supervise.

The summer program keeps the athletes in condition. A conditioned athlete is less likely to injure themselves. 

It also gives them an edge in competition when they pick up their regular season sports in the fall. Football, volleyball and soccer seasons are just around the corner. The Mustangs will be ready.