Gail Piquet shot a two-day total of 187 to win the 2023 Winnemucca Ladies Club Championship held Aug. 8 and 15 at Winnemucca Municipal Golf Course.
Vickie Celio was first in the first flight with a score of 199, followed by Lori Woodland (205).
Marlea Pointer was low gross in the second flight at 221 and Carole Doughty was second with a two-day total of 224.
In nine-hole play on Monday, Lisa Carlson was first with a round of 46 and Pointer was second at 55
Piquet had the fewest putts on Aug. 8 with 29 and Celio had the fewest on Aug. 15 with 28. Piquet and Celio also had chip-ins.
Bryn Echeverria was closest to the hole on No. 1 on Aug. 5 at 6 feet, 14 inches and closest on No. 5 at 5-6. Celio was closest on No. 5 on Aug. 15 at 48-5.