The Pershing County wrestlers gather for a photo at Lassen College's wrestling camp in Susanville, Calif. Back row left to right- Justin Carruth, Angelo Gibson, Logan Hunt, Cade Liebsack, Wyatt Hughes, Jeffrey Elerick, Magdalena Ramirez, Jake Trowbridge, Ashton Jimenez. Front row left to right- Aja Ramirez, Thomas Brooks, Marissa Ramirez, Gerardo Ramirez.
You can't go wrong at a wrestling camp where Vougar Orujev, the two-time Russian world champ, is one of the clinicians.
Twelve Pershing County wrestlers attended a three-day outdoor camp in Susanville, Calif. last month, July 29-31.
They joined about 80 kids from all over the west at Eagle Lake, the second largest natural lake entirely in the state of California. Beginners to seasoned athletes participated. The camp works with youth through high school wrestlers.
"Camping and a wrestling camp for $50 is a great deal and you won't find it anywhere else," said a camp spokesperson.
"Kids were able to participate in the camp and enjoy the lake in their free time," said Mike Brooks, PCHS athletic director, wrestling and football coach.
Jerri Ramirez sent four wrestlers to the camp - Gerardo, Magdalena, Marisa and Aja. Gerardo is in fifth grade. Magdalena starts high school this fall and plans to wrestle with the Mustangs. Marisa is in seventh grade. Aja is a second grader at Lovelock Elementary School.
Magdalena said she met new people at the camp and the coaches helped her correct her mistakes. Marisa agreed, saying she learned great skills. Gerardo liked meeting the other wrestlers and the coaches. Little sister Aja got off to a good start.
"Gerardo has been wrestling since he was three. My girls wrestled twice when they were around seven and ten years old. The Brooks have been asking the girls to get into wrestling. They've been encouraging them to get out on the mat," said Jerri.
"After their sister, Liliana, passed away they decided to get on the mat. Now it's one of their favorite sports. It helped them grieve a little. They say it's a sport they'll continue to do. They love wrestling," she added. "Thank you to the Brooks for the opportunity."
The athletic department's next fundraiser is on Aug. 17 at 6 p.m. in front of the high school.
Come prepared to enjoy hot dogs and hamburgers. Enter the auction for prime parking lot seats at the upcoming football games.
The funds will benefit the athletic program and ensure events like the wrestling camp are available to Pershing County children.