Coach Monica Halverson offered her second annual "Little Spiker's Volleyball Camp" last Monday through Wednesday.
It was nearly as fast-paced as the high school games due to begin this month. The camp cost $75 for all three days or a $30 daily drop-in fee.
The third through eighth grade girls learned about setting, serving, passing and hitting in a fun and encouraging way.
The coach's posters emphasized key points like keeping your wrists and hands together when passing. And going to the ball with your dominant foot forward when setting. It's a lot to learn.
Some of the girls play middle school volleyball. Others are beginners. Halverson welcomed everyone to the high school gym for the three-day camp.
Khloe Montes, an incoming freshman, refines her volleyball skills at the Little Spiker's Camp in the PCHS gym.
She ran two courts — one for the middle school and one for the elementary school.
Games like Circle the Wagon, Dead Fish, and Pass the Banana built up the camaraderie quickly.
So did the Hula Hoop Race. The second day of camp the coach added hitting to the skill set.
The campers had ample time to play, compete and put their skills to the test.
The coach described Wednesday as "the best ending to any camp I've ever run."
Sixth-grader Mollee Houston practices passing.
The girls shared ice cream treats before heading home for the last couple of weeks of their summer vacations. Many will return to play with the Pershing County Mustangs. There were several incoming freshmen at the camp.
"A shout-out to the high school girls who jumped in to help teach and mentor these younger girls," said Halverson. "And a shout-out to Coach Faith Moreira (JV) for all she does. I love putting on these camps because it helps to plant the seed of what volleyball is and lets the girls fall in love with it while I'm building my program."
Halverson is beginning her fifth year as head volleyball coach. She chooses a new motto each season. Her motto for this year is "earned not given."
Gold Medal Squared Camp is July 31 through August 3 from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m.
Tryouts are Aug. 7-8. On August 16 both varsity and JV will travel to Douglas to play 5A teams in a round robin format.
The Yerington Varsity Tournament is Aug. 18-19.