Pershing County Sheriff's Report

Total Incidents 373

Calls for Service 115

Deputy Initiated Incidents 258

Traffic Stops 18

Other OIA Incidents 240

Bus/Building checks 189

Veh/Ped Check 0

On November 9, Joseph James Souza, 63, of Lovelock NV, was booked for lewdness committed by person over 18 with child 14/15 years of age with the use of a deadly weapon or tear gas-agg asslt, lewdness by person over 18 with child less than 14 – fondling, and sexual assault by minor with the use of force or threat of force or victim is incapable of resisting – rape.

On November 10, Jeffrey Wayne Van Dyke, 60, of Salt Lake UT, was booked for driving under the influence of alcohol and/or controlled or prohibited substance, first offence.