Mustang 5K adds scavenger hunt

There’s a new dimension to this year’s Mustang 5K. 

It’s still raising funds for football helmets, shoulder pads and video software.

People will still compete for prizes or just come to have fun. However, there is a new way to participate besides racing. How about a scavenger hunt? 

“I wanted to find a way for more people to participate that aren’t interested in completing the 5K,” says Mike Brooks. “The hunt will start at the courthouse park and the items will all be located somewhere in that area. It’s all on foot.”

Besides raising money for the football team, Brooks wants to promote physical fitness in Lovelock.

People will scavenge in groups of four with solo entrants filling in the gaps. 

Teams will take photos when they find an item and send it to Brooks with an app.

 Someone will win a grand prize. Scavengers can also register for the 5K if they choose. It could mean bonus points for their scavenging team The events run simultaneously.

Participants can choose the virtual 5K, in-person 5K, scavenger hunt only or mix and match. 

The 5K is on Friday, Jun. 10, and starts at 7 p.m. Whether you’re an introvert, extrovert, family member or free agent, athlete or couch potato Brooks has you covered. 

There are many ways to participate. He spells out the rules on

For the race, some opt for virtual participation. They have the whole month of June to complete the 5K (3.1 miles), however they choose - running, walking, jogging, roller skating; indoors or outdoors; all at once or in segments.

Brooks says he’ll recognize those who send him a screenshot showing they completed the challenge.

In 2020, Valdine McLean completed the 5K going up and down the aisles of her vineyard with a shovel and hoe. Cole, Tom, Addison, Josie and Masey Brooks rode their bicycles.

“Virtual 5Ks allow for participation across the nation and lets people complete the event at their own pace on their own time,” says Brooks.

Others will appear at the courthouse park ready to participate. A few competitive runners add excitement. For most, it’s a leisurely stroll. People show up in costume, walk, run a little and socialize. Some ride bikes. One or two entrants zip along in wheelchairs.

The Lions Club has been known to supply a pancake breakfast. People pack the picnic tables in the courthouse park or go for a swim in the public pool..

The PCHS Grads Giving Back started the 5K in 2013. It continued through 2017 and lapsed in 2018.

They used the proceeds to fund scholarships. In 2019, Brooks resurrected the event for a different purpose – supporting the Mustang football team which he coaches. 

Brooks encourages people to visit pcmustang5K@ to register. According to weebly, virtual and in-person 5Kers pay $25. 

Solo scavengers pay $20. Scavenger teams pay $80 - $20 per person. 

5Kers will get a tee shirt, race bib and medal. Scavengers get a tee shirt. Brooks also started a Facebook page, PC Mustang 5K.  He asks people to register early. “Early is better,” he says. “Please consider supporting PCHS football.”