Pershing County Sheriff's Report

Items are compiled from public information obtained from Pershing County Sheriff Office. 

To report crimes, including home and vehicle break-ins call the Pershing County dispatch directly at (775) 273-2641.

Total Incidents                      299

Calls for Service                 121

Deputy Initiated           178

Traffic Stops                    4

Other OIA Incidents    174

Bus/Building checks      127

Veh/Ped Check                          3

On June 11, Philip Angelo Quilici, 33, of Lovelock NV, was booked for possess schedule I or II controlled substance less than 14 grams, first or second offense and possession of drug paraphernalia.

On June 15, Cody Lewis Gilkison, 31, of Winnemucca NV, was booked for kidnapping, first degree-human trafficking/involuntary servitude, kidnapping first degree-in violation of a protection order, robbery, burglary of a motor vehicle-first offense, battery with intent to commit mayhem robbery or grand larceny-victim is an older person-simple assault, conspiracy to commit grand larceny of auto, aiding and abetting robbery with use of a deadly weapon, use of deadly weapon in the commission of a crime, and criminal conspiracy laws.