Take me out to the ball game

Take me out to the ball game

Take me out to the ball game

How do you know when it’s summer in Lovelock? The scorching temperatures are a clue. School is out and the pool is open. And at McDougal Park, softball is king. It’s been that way for going on five years. 

The Lovelock Softball Association installed a scoreboard a few years ago but an electrical glitch prevented it from working. This year, Bruce and Jeremy Hudson tried a solar powered battery. It worked.

On Thursday evening, the red lights flashed good news for Modelo Time and bad news for the Smokin’ Aces. 

Thick N Wild, Brew Crew, Weekend Warriors, Second Stringers, Wolf Pack and Goyos Garage have also been playing hard.

Modelo Time beat the Smokin’ Aces 16-6. But the season is young. It started on Monday, Jun. 6, the same day the pool opened. Anything can happen by July 28 when it ends.

Rich Campbell (Aces) and Gus Ruiz (Modelo) pitched for their teams.  No doubt, they’ll face each other again. During the school year, Campbell helps with the basketball program. On Thursday evening, he set a good example by warming up before his time on the mound.

“I believe we will have more high schoolers participating in our league this year than we’ve ever had,” said Jared Jensen, the LSA president. The league is open to players aged 16 and up. However, it attracts all ages and has a multi-generational flair.

Amanda Holland runs the concession stand with help from Tiffany Jensen. Players and spectators stay hydrated and fed. They will miss Lorri Happy. She and her dog, Menace, were familiar and welcome sights at McDougal. Happy loved to watch her grown children and grandchildren compete.

For more information about the Lovelock Softball Association, contact Jared Jensen at 775-842-3705.