Local kids enjoy recent snowfall

Local kids enjoy recent snowfall

Local kids enjoy recent snowfall

It was a good day to catch snowflakes on your tongue. That’s what the Canchola kids did last week at their great-grandma’s house after four inches of snow fell from the northern Nevada sky. Not a single flake went to waste. Like many Lovelock children, they also built a snowman.

Excitement reigned from one end of town to the other. 

“The first thing my kids did when they woke up was run outside,” said JJ Scilacci. Visions of snow creatures danced in their heads. “We told them, “Not until after school!”” That’s when they got together with friends to build “Mr. Snowy.”

At the Diaz house, Colton, 10, and Whitlee, 11, let their imaginations run wild. They built a snow woman named Snowberry, and called her babies, McSlushy and McSnowy.

Sawyer Cooney, 4, found inspiration close to home. The Cooneys recently adopted two cats from the Lovelock Animal Shelter, Mavis and Stella. “Sawyer also has a real love for Catman from KISS,” said his mother, Brandy. That’s why he built a “snowcat.”

Leah Ruprecht, 10, tried to make a snowman at school but the playground’s snow was too loose and powdery to stick together. Besides, she had to get back inside for MAP testing.

“After school, when she finished her homework, Leah went out back to play,” said her mom, Alexis. “When I checked on her, she was rolling a snowball, so I put on my sweater and boots to help her out.”

Within half-an-hour, they’d produced “Mr. Bob.” They even squeezed in a snowball fight before supper.

For the rest of the night, Leah checked on Mr. Bob every hour to make sure he wasn’t melting. He was still there when she looked first thing in the morning, but desert snowmen have short life spans. By press time, he was a beautiful memory.