If you’re looking for Travis Donaldson, Taylor or Ayden Montes, and it’s the weekend, listen for the hum of their machines.
“We mostly ride around Lone Mountain,” says Travis.
However, on Saturday, Sept. 26, Travis headed to the 95 Motorsports Complex in Fernley. He competed in the 2020 Motorsports Grand Prix. Almost 30 dirt bikers showed up to race.
“The thing I like most about racing is that you just get to go out there and ride,” he says. The eighth-grader attends Pershing County Middle School and plays football, basketball and baseball.
“Trav did awesome in his first desert race,” said his mother, Lacey Wilcox Donaldson. “He crashed a lot but got back up every time. We’re super proud of him.”
Donaldson finished twelfth in the 100cc novice class.
If you do catch up with Travis, be sure to wish him a happy birthday. He turns 14 on Thursday.