Anabelle Vega Navarrete
Andrehina Navarrete and Fernando Vega are proud to announce the birth of their daughter, Anabelle, born on Aug. 30, 2015 at 9:24 p.m., at Humboldt General Hospital. She weighed 7 pounds and 1.5 oz. Maternal grandparents are Rosa Fernandez and Ruben Ortega of Winnemucca. Paternal grandmother is Beatriz Recendez of Las Vegas.
Jorah Evan Luke Coble
Chandra Catches and Dwayne Coble are proud to announce the birth of their son, Jorah, born Sept. 2, 2015 at 1:55 a.m., at Humboldt General Hospital. He weighed 6 pounds and 1/2 oz.
Dorian Gutierrez
Sandra and Diego Gutierrez are proud to announce the birth of their son, Dorian, born Sept. 2, 2015 at 12:09 p.m., at Humboldt General Hospital. He weighed 8 pounds 1.5 oz. He joins two sisters and one brother at home. Maternal grandparents are Marcelina and Antonio Ayon of Amargosa Valley. Paternal grandparents are Maria and Ramiro Gutierrez of Colima, Mexico.