Marylyn Ham
Danny and Jaymi Ham are proud to announce the birth of their daughter, Marylyn, born Oct. 26, 2015 at Humboldt General Hospital. She weighed 6 pounds 1.5 oz. She joins one sister and two brothers at home. Maternal grandparents are Connie and Owen Brinkerhoff and Jim and Kelly Fitzgerald of Winnemucca. Paternal grandparents are Nadine and Eric Ham of Winnemucca.
Tyson Jay Echeto
Stacey and Sid Echeto are proud to announce the birth of their son, Tyson, born Oct. 28, 2015 at Humboldt General Hospital. He weighed 7 pounds 2oz. He joins one sister at home. Maternal grandparents are Gary and Kathy Hinz of Crescent Mills, Calif. Paternal grandfather is Isidro Echeto of Winnemucca.