Cerenity Lynn Marie Quinonez
Cayla Quinonez is proud to announce the birth of her daughter, Cerenity, born Aug. 17, 2015 at 3:59 a.m., at Humboldt General Hospital. She weighed 8 pounds 6 oz. Maternal grandmother is Stacy Quinonez of Winnemucca.
Victoria Isabella Mendoza
Gisela Mendoza and Reinaldo Medina are proud to announce the birth of their daughter, Victoria, born on Aug. 17, 2015 at 1:00 p.m., at Humboldt General Hospital. She weighed 6 pounds 5 oz. She joins one brother and one sister at home. Maternal grandparents are Marisela Alvarez and Esteban Mendoza of Winnemucca.
Izaiah Maurice Sandoval
Alishia Pinnell and Oskar Sandoval are proud to announce the birth of their son, Izaiah, born on Aug. 17, 2015 at 1:54 p.m., at Humboldt General Hospital. He weighed 5 pounds 2.5 oz. He joins one brother and one sister at home. Maternal grandparents are Henry and Kelly Pinnell of Carlin. Paternal grandparents are Oscar and Marie Sandoval of Carlin.
Daisy Mae Wells
Bonnie and Michael Wells are proud to announce the birth of their daughter, Daisy, born on Aug. 17, 2015 at 1:13 p.m., at Humboldt General Hospital. She weighed 8 pounds11 oz. She joins three brothers and one sister at home. Maternal grandparents are Bridgett and Marty Marquardt. Paternal grandparents are Sheryl and Gary Fiddler of California.
Oakley Rayell Lynn Ramirez
Treasa Ramirez and Cameron Pledger are proud to announce the birth of their daughter, Oakley, born on Aug. 19, 2015 at 1:52 a.m., at Humboldt General Hospital. She weighed 7 pounds 7 oz. Maternal grandparents are Joanne and Morgan Richardson. Paternal grandmother is the late Terilyn Pledger.