Weed It Out 419 campaign coming

LOVELOCK - In November 2010 northern Nevada youth created the Weed It Out 419 campaign as a counterattack to the 420 campaign established in the 1970s. The 420 campaign encourages users to light up at 4:20 on April 20 to promote the legalization of marijuana.

Youth and adults across the state are stating their reasons for not smoking marijuana. Want to show support? Participate in local 419 Weed It Out events with the Frontier Community Coalition on Thursday, April 19 at City Hall on 14th Street at 4:19 p.m. Participating youth will receive free give-aways.

FCC has a stencil and spray chalk so that you can stencil messages across the community to help promote the 419 campaign. Contact Wendy at coordinator@frontiercommunity.net or (775) 273-2400 to arrange to use the stencil.

419 Weed It Out

Youth and adults across the state of Nevada are stating their reasons for not smoking marijuana. Want to show support? Participate in local 419 Weed It Out events. In we will be meeting at City Hall on 14th Street at 4:19 p.m. on Thurs. 4/19/12. Participating youth will receive free give-aways.

FCC has a stencil and spray chalk so that you can stencil messages across the community to help promote the 419 campaign. Contact Wendy at coordinator@frontiercommunity.net or 775.273.2400 to arrange to use the stencil.

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