Lovelock Lions Club hosts annual speech contest Jameson Shirley wins first place

Lovelock Lions Club hosts annual speech contest Jameson Shirley wins first place

Lovelock Lions Club hosts annual speech contest Jameson Shirley wins first place

LOVELOCK - The Lovelock Lions Club held its annual Lions Speech contest at the Center Club in Sturgeons Casino last month. The focus of the speeches was to be on nuclear energy, and all three contestants did excellent presentations.

The event was opened by Lion Val Brinkerhoff, with Lion Jim Rowe guiding the audience and contestants through the meticulous rules. Each contestant was given 10 minutes to present the speech. The speeches were presented by Kumiko Widmar, Allyse Lusby and Jameson Shirley.

After each speech the three judges rated the speaker on a system of 1 to 10. Following all three speeches the points given to each speaker were tallied and the winner announced. The contest was very close. The winner for this year was Jameson Shirley, with Kumiko Widmar as runner up and Allyse Lusby third.

The winner will now move on to the Lions Regional Contest.

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