Jacob's Well Youth Center gets a facelift

Jacob's Well Youth Center gets a facelift

Jacob's Well Youth Center gets a facelift

BATTLE MOUNTAIN - Jacob's Well Youth Center (JWYC) has undergone a bit of a facelift and adopted a new mission/vision statement.

In addition to the leadership changes announced early last month, summer interns and volunteers have put muscle into cleaning and rearranging the youth center.

The new layout allows for better usage of space and allows room for future programs and initiatives. Summer interns are currently working to diversify the recreational/leisurely activities at Jacob's Well and also to introduce a new food program.

The green painted columns, the sign on the north side of the building and hours posted on the window reflect the changes to the exterior.

Please note that the center will be open for summer hours Monday through Thursday from noon to 8 p.m. and will resume normal hours on Aug. 13.

At the June 26 board meeting, members discussed and approved a new mission and vision statement to more accurately reflect the organization's purpose and work.

The new mission statement is: "At Jacob's Well we strive to reach the youth of the Battle Mountain Community for Christ. We hope by introducing the young people of our community to God's love, grace and mercy they learn to overcome trouble, difficulty and dysfunction in their lives. Volunteers and staff share the Word of God with the youth through example. Jacob's Well provides a safe place for youth to develop healthy life skills, positive values and habits that become applicable throughout their lives."

The new vision statement is: "The vision of Jacob's Well is that the Battle Mountain Community become a safe and productive place for young people to grow emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually by making it easier for young people to make healthy choices."

Supporting youth in the Battle Mountain community has always been at the core of Jacob's Well's existence. Many of the outcomes and goals remain the same with the addition of a few new goals: Jacob's Well's purpose is to provide a safe Christ-loving, enjoyable, learning and growing environment for Christian and non-Christian youth in our community.

It is our ambition to provide the youth in the Battle Mountain community: a place to learn and do school work; a place to socialize under adult supervision; a place to enjoy games and friendly competitions; a place to watch wholesome movies; a place to learn about higher-education opportunities, employment and serving others; opportunities to learn about the Lord and the free gift of salvation that He offers; and opportunities for community members to volunteer and impact the lives of youth in Battle Mountain.

The revised mission and vision statements provide a clearer path to move forward and continue improving and expanding the services offered to the youth in Battle Mountain.

"We are proud of the important work that our summer students and volunteers do to support the youth in Battle Mountain," said Jessica Arky, executive director. "The revised mission and vision statements give us a clear direction to move forward. The board members and summer students are eager to share the organization's future successes and new initiatives as they are introduced at Jacob's Well."

Community members are encouraged to contact Jacob's Well representatives with thoughts, suggestions and any questions by calling (775) 635-8800, e-mailing admin@jwyc.org or stopping in during open hours.

Jacob's Well Youth Center is a faith-based, non-profit serving Battle Mountain youth since 2009. The Youth Center offers a safe place for teens 12 to 18 years old in the Battle Mountain community.

Summer hours are now in effect: doors are open Monday through Thursday from noon to 8 p.m. For more information visit www.jwyc.org and please continue to be patient as they work out the kinks of their new website.

July activities: July 19 - Youth bingo 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. (12 to 18 years of age welcome); and July 31 - Community Open House from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. July 30 through Aug. 2 is Olympics Week.

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