ELES students receive Newmont grant for writing project

ELES students receive Newmont grant for writing project

ELES students receive Newmont grant for writing project

Their teacher, Terri Nester, had the idea and created a grant proposal for the Newmont Mining Corporation grant that was offered to students in the Lander County School District. After she presented her idea to the grant committee, it was chosen to be awarded to her students for the 2011- 2012 school year.

Students became "ELES Reporters" and took pictures of school events as they occurred and then went back to class and wrote about them. They designed posters to display their pictures along with corresponding captions, brief descriptions and stories. The posters were then displayed in the school hallway for all students to view and read.

A year-long project required each student to choose an ELES staff member and conduct a personal interview. The students generated a basic questionnaire, took pictures of each staff member and then wrote an informational story.

The students are looking forward to the next school year and continuing with their writing activities. One of their goals is to submit more pictures and stories to the Bugle.[[In-content Ad]]