Chamber of commerce announces board elections

LOVELOCK - On Thursday, April 26, the board members of the Pershing County Chamber of Commerce voted to hold an open election for new board members. Chamber members in good-standing will be allowed to run for the 2012-2014 Board of Directors.

Nine at-large board positions will be available. Board positions are two-year terms. Nominations will be taken through May 23. Forms are available by contacting Beth Reid at the chamber office.

Nominations will be approved at the chamber's May 24 board meeting and a ballot listing the candidates will be e-mailed or mailed to the chamber's membership thereafter. Members will have 14 days to complete their ballots and return them to the chamber via e-mail, mail or fax.

The 2012-2014 Board of Directors will be announced and accepted at the chamber's June 28 board meeting and the new board will take over July 26. Board orientation will be scheduled prior to the July 26 meeting.

The chamber also voted to change the board structure to reflect a business organization. Pershing County and the City of Lovelock will have ex-officio positions on the board. The government entities will serve as advisors, but will be non-voting members. An additional advisory position will be reserved for past chairman of the chamber.

The Pershing County Chamber of Commerce is a local non-profit organization of businesses whose goal is to further the interests of local businesses and to develop, encourage, promote and protect the general economic interests of the City of Lovelock and Pershing County. Additionally, the chamber provides information and visitors services.

In June of 2011, Coeur Rochester Mine provided the services of consultant Elaine Barkdull-Spencer to assist the chamber and PCEDA in reorganizing. Through the efforts of the existing chamber board and staff, the chamber's past fiscal year resulted in the completion of several key initiatives including a strategic focus on members' needs, an increase in membership, retention of membership, development of new benefits for its members, continuation of visitors services and expansion of business hours for availability, spearheading a new visitors center project, and finishing the fiscal year solvent.

To further the progress, Coeur Rochester, Inc. renewed the services of Barkdull-Spencer in April of this year. She will continue to work with the new chamber board to develop a sustainable organization that will provide tangible benefits to its members and the communities it serves.

For more information call the Pershing County Chamber of Commerce at (775) 273-7213.

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