Auto and Welding SkillsUSA representatives present plaques to honorees

Auto and Welding SkillsUSA representatives present plaques to honorees

Auto and Welding SkillsUSA representatives present plaques to honorees

BATTLE MOUNTAIN - Russ Wright, Auto and Welding SkillsUSA instructor, and Justina Chavez, SkillsUSA chapter president, honored members of the community at the Lander County School Board meeting on Aug. 8.

The people were honored for helping out the program through various community fundraisers and events. Those honored were Melissa Bakker and her family, Earl Cassorla, Steve Cassorla, Rich Ripley and Raymond Etcheverry.

Earl Cassorla was present at the school board meeting to accept a plaque for him and his brother, Steve Cassorla. Carda Burton went to the meeting to accept the honor for Bakker and her family. Ripley and Etcheverry were unable to attend but were given their plaques afterward.

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