Angel Tree program coming again to Imlay, Mill City, Unionville and Buena Vista Valley

To the communities of Imlay, Mill City, Unionville, and Buena Vista Valley;

Once again we will be doing our little "Angel Tree" and, as always, we need your help. There will be a box placed at the Imlay Post Office for names to be submitted. If you wish to have your child placed on the Angel Tree or if you know of a child who should be placed upon the Angel Tree please put their name in the box along with the following information; we need the address of the child so that we can deliver the gift, we need to know the child's age so that we can select an age appropriate gift and finally, if you wish you may include clothing sizes and a specific Christmas wish for a gift that your child would really like. No promises of course but we will try. In the past we have done a whole lot of digging around to find the addresses of children whose addresses were not given. We are no longer going to do this as it creates all kinds of complications. Therefore, if we do not have an address for the child we will not put the child on the Angel Tree. We want every child to find a gift under the tree on Christmas morning and for our purposes a child is 18 years old or under. Anyone in this community is eligible and this community includes the Buena Vista Valley, Unionville, Imlay, Dun Glen and Mill City.

There is no income level requirement and we are not interested in your church affiliation. No information will be given out to anyone not directly involved with this project. Everything is being done locally and there is no governmental involvement whatsoever. Everybody who is working on this is doing their very best to remain anonymous but if you have any questions or concerns you may call 538-7570 and we will do our best to answer any questions that you may have.

A very Merry Christmas to you all.

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